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The psychological impact of torso sex dolls on modern relationships
Citation de Invité le 23 janvier 2025, 9 h 43 min
At the level of social interaction, torso sex dolls and Klarna sex dolls have become topics and links of communication in some specific social circles. In relevant fan communities, people discuss the materials of torso sex dolls and the design of Klarna sex dolls, and share their stories and experiences with dolls. This kind of social interaction not only meets people's social needs, but also enhances their sense of belonging to a certain extent. However, this kind of social interaction may also cause some people to be overly immersed in virtual torso sex doll social interaction, reducing real social interaction with others in reality, and further affecting the development of real interpersonal relationships.
At the level of social interaction, torso sex dolls and Klarna sex dolls have become topics and links of communication in some specific social circles. In relevant fan communities, people discuss the materials of torso sex dolls and the design of Klarna sex dolls, and share their stories and experiences with dolls. This kind of social interaction not only meets people's social needs, but also enhances their sense of belonging to a certain extent. However, this kind of social interaction may also cause some people to be overly immersed in virtual torso sex doll social interaction, reducing real social interaction with others in reality, and further affecting the development of real interpersonal relationships.